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Healthy LifeTech Tips Episode 10 May 2, 2023 0 Like
In this week’s episode, Berni and Beckie delve deeper into diabetes and sight loss. Beckie shares her findings on new Diabetes Technology that can help manage diabetes and has some questions for Berni. If you have any questions for the team, please email
The role of technology in diabetes care is becoming increasingly important. Recent advancements have allowed people with diabetes to live better and more fulfilling lives, with greater control over their condition and fewer complications. Different devices and tools are available, such as Flash glucose monitors, continuous glucose monitors, smart pens, insulin pumps, and closed-loop technology.
These technologies can provide real-time monitoring, automatic insulin delivery, and other features that help people manage their diabetes more effectively.
It is possible to put type 2 diabetes into remission, meaning that blood sugar levels are below the diabetes range and medication is no longer needed. However, we avoid calling it diabetes reversal as it may give the impression that the condition has disappeared permanently.
Despite this, achieving remission can be life-changing and is a significant step towards managing the condition.
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Camberley Diabetes Healthy Life podcast Surrey Podcast
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