
Madonna’s Material World Has Gone Visual – Why Professional Photography Should be a MInimum Standard for Your Agent

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Adrian had a conversation with Claire Farley, from Nichecom, the company that provides all the photography services for him, about the importance of hiring a professional photographer to take property photos. Although iPhones have great cameras, they are still not at the same level as those used by professionals, specifically chosen for this purpose.

Even if a real estate agent were given the best equipment, it would not make them a professional photographer. Adrian uses a metaphor to illustrate this point: he could be given Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes F1 car, but that wouldn’t make him a Formula 1 driver.

During their discussion, they also talked about the different types of videos that can be used to attract different buyers, the use of drones and extension poles, and the potential impact of AI on the creative industry.





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Sunday Property Breakfast

When I set up my business after the lockdown, it was with one clear business aim: To make the buying and selling of your home more transparent and less stressful

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