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Community Life Episode 2 February 20, 2023 1 Like
Jodie from Collectively Camberley is on this week’s podcast to talk to us about the latest events and exciting new activities happening in Camberley.
Camberley is a non-profit organisation serving over 380 businesses in Camberley Town Centre. Our mission is to make Camberley a preferred destination for shoppers and visitors and a thriving location for residents and businesses. We organise various town centre events, including the Collectively Camberley Car Show and Christmas Light Switch On, which are always popular with the local community.
In addition to these events, we continue to promote the town through social media and our website, offering support and services to businesses. We aim to provide a thriving and supportive environment for businesses in Camberley and to help them grow and prosper.
Our team is always working hard to create new and exciting events for the community to enjoy. This year, we have an exciting new event planned, and we can’t wait to share more details with you. This event will be a fantastic addition to our already busy calendar, and we hope it will be well-received by the local community.
So, you’re interested in learning more about what’s happening in Camberley and want to participate in the exciting events and activities. In that case, She’ll happily share all the latest news and updates.
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Camberley Community Events podcast Surrey Podcast
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